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presidential election

Police Escort South Korea's Former President Out Of Her Official Residence

Police Escort South Korea's Former President Out Of Her Official Residence

South Korea's disgraced president struck a defiant tone on Friday morning when a constitutional court unanimously upheld the decision to impeach Park Guen-hye: she did not appear in court and a spokesman said she would not be making any comment nor would she leave the  presidential Blue House residence on Friday. "For now, Park is not leaving the Blue House today," Blue House spokesman Kim Dong Jo told Reuters.

‘Disaster Poll’ Shows Clinton, Dems And Media Less Popular Than Trump

‘Disaster Poll’ Shows Clinton, Dems And Media Less Popular Than Trump

A new poll suggests people think President Trump tweets too much and has a bad temper, but his approval ratings are higher than opposition Democrats and the mainstream media that has united against him. The figures are ringing alarm bells in the Democrat camp, with D.C. insiders referring to the data as a “disaster poll.” A USA Today/Suffolk University poll, conducted in the first week of March, shows Trump’s approval rating at 47 percent, and his personal favorability at 45 percent. Sixty percent of respondents disapprove of his temper, and 59 percent think he tweets too much.

Bill Clinton Warns Divisive Politics Are "Taking The World To The Edge Of Destruction"

Bill Clinton Warns Divisive Politics Are "Taking The World To The Edge Of Destruction"

In his first public appearance since his wife's catastrophic loss in the presidential election, former President Bill Clinton appears to have gone off-script once again warning repeatedly against "us versus them" thinking that he said has become such an active part of politics in America, in the Brexit vote, in the Philippines and throughout Europe.
