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presidential election

Can Truth Prevail? — Paul Craig Roberts

Can Truth Prevail?

Paul Craig Roberts

According to official US economic data, the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has expanded for 22 quarters, raising real GDP 12.1% above its high prior to the 2008-09 economic contraction. Yet, US manufacturing output and US industrial production have not recovered to their pre-contraction high.

So what is driving the real GDP growth? In my opinion, the rise in real GDP is an illusion produced by the under-measurement of inflation.

In Early Morning Stake Out, Sessions Offers To Recuse Himself; Kremlin Chimes In

In an early morning stake out by an NBC reporter crew in front of his house, Attorney General Jeff Sessions once again denied meeting with any Russian officials during the course of the presidential election to talk about the Trump campaign. 

"I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign," he said, "and those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false. And I don't have anything else to say about that."

Marine Le Pen Stripped Of EU Parliament Immunity For Tweeting Pictures Of Islamic State Violence

Marine Le Pen Stripped Of EU Parliament Immunity For Tweeting Pictures Of Islamic State Violence

Having recently joined her competitor Francois Fillon in facing the French legal system over possible embezzlement charges of her own, after her chief of staff and bodyguard were detained by police last week, the push to isolate and crack down on the anti-establishment presidential candidate moved to the European Parliament where EU lawmakers lifted Le Pen's EU parliamentary immunity on Thursday for tweeting pictures of Islamic State violence.

AG Sessions Accused Of Lying To Congress Over Contact With Russian Ambassador

Just when you thought the 'Russians-did-it' meme was fading, WaPo reporters manage to find DoJ officials who say then-Senator Jeff Sessions spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States - encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts with Moscow during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

