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"Time For Small-Thinking Is Over": President Trump's First Address To Congress - Live Feed

"Time For Small-Thinking Is Over": President Trump's First Address To Congress - Live Feed

"It's T-Day" as one trader put it this morning. President Trump will address a joint session of Congress tonight for the first time as president in a much anticipated speech in which he will tell lawmakers the “time for small thinking is over,” and “the time for trivial fights is behind us,” as he lays out his policy agenda.

The Guardian reports that in a contrast to Trump’s gloomy inauguration day “American carnage” speech, the mood this evening is expected to be lighter.

What To Watch For In President Trump's Address To Congress

What To Watch For In President Trump's Address To Congress

"It's T-Day" as one trader put it this morning. President Trump will address a joint session of Congress Tuesday night for the first time as president in a much anticipated speech with a lot of hyped-up hope hanging on it.

As The Hill notes, the speech isn’t an official State of the Union - that will come next year - but it’s a chance for Trump to set out his legislative priorities after a tumultuous first month that has at times rattled congressional Republicans.

Norway Wealth Fund Gains $53 Billion in 2016 On Trump Rally

Norway Wealth Fund Gains $53 Billion in 2016 On Trump Rally

After previously announcing plans to withdraw at least $15 billion to fund 2017 budget deficits, the $860 billion Norwegian sovereign wealth fund announced last December that it would change it's portfolio allocations to try to make up for the withdrawals.  The change would eventually result in 75% of the fund's capital being allocated to global equities, up from the previous 60% know, because equities never go down so more is always better.

Frontrunning: February 28

  • Trump Puts the Final Touches on His Speech (BBG)
  • Trump to Make Case for Higher Military Spending, Lay Out Vision in Speech (WSJ)
  • Trump on Hook to Clarify Policies With Speech to Congress (BBG)
  • Traders Are Glued to These Stocks Ahead of Tonight’s Trump Speech (BBG)
  • Trump Regulation Rollback May Threaten U.S. Firms' EU Access (Reuters)
  • GOP Health Plan Suffers Blow With Rejection by Key Republican (BBG)
  • White House Dismisses Calls for Russia-Ties Investigation (WSJ)
