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presidential election

Here's One 'Alternative'; But It's Extremely Unpopular

Via Simon Black of,

It’s my usual custom whenever I land at a major airport to stop by the rental car counters and inquire how much it costs to rent a vehicle.

For me this is a sort of informal, albeit imperfect, economic indicator.

High prices suggest strong demand from plenty of business travelers and tourists, which will likely have a positive economic impact.

Cheap prices, conversely, suggest that there’s something wrong.

Well, there’s definitely something wrong in Mexico.

Majority Finds Media Coverage Of Trump Is "Too Critical, Exaggerated": WSJ/NBC Poll

Majority Finds Media Coverage Of Trump Is "Too Critical, Exaggerated": WSJ/NBC Poll

Three weeks after a poll found that the Trump administration was seen as more "truthful" than the news media, a new WSJ/NBC News poll has found that according to a majority of Americans, the media’s coverage of President Donald Trump has been too critical, although the margin is narrow and the split is once again largely down party lines. While 51% rate the media as too critical of Trump since the presidential election, 41% say the coverage has been fair and objective, while 6% say the media hasn't been critical enough.

Hillary Clinton Calls For 'Resistance': "We Need To Stay Engaged... I'll Be With You Every Step Of The Way"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Last month we noted that Hillary Clinton is looking to start her own “fabulous” TV show in an effort to remain relevant following a disastrous Presidential election loss in 2016. The show, according to an insider, would be “completely controlled” and will likely focus on undermining the efforts of President Donald Trump, while whipping her supporters into a frenzy.
