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Like Trump, Russia Declares War On Fake News

As the “information war” heats up between east and west, Russia’s Foreign Ministry wades in the battle by planning a fact-checking service of its own to debunk “fake news.” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova says that a fact-checking service will soon be launched that will collect and debunk any factually inaccurate international news stories that are put out by the “dishonest” western media. Her comments mirroring those of President Trump’s sentiments on “dishonest” U.S. media.

Pence Vows "Unwavering Support" For NATO, Pledges To Hold Russia "Accountable"

Pence Vows "Unwavering Support" For NATO, Pledges To Hold Russia "Accountable"

One day after John McCain made a questionable diplomatic outburst when as part of a US diplomatic tour meant to reassure Europe, and NATO, of Trump's support, the Senator told participants at a Security Conference in Munich that the Trump administration is in "disarray", on Saturday morning Vice President Mike Pence did his best to return to conventional foreign policy after he vowed that the United States will "hold Russia accountable." In an address to the Munich Security Conference, Pence assured European allies that the U.S.

WikiLeaks: CIA Hacked French Elections

WikiLeaks has released three classified CIA spy orders that detail how the agency were involved in ‘hacking’ the French elections in 2012.  According to the espionage orders, the CIA spent seven months infiltrating all of France’s major political parties in order to influence the outcome of the French presidential election. reports: The documents disclose that all of France’s major political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA’s human (“HUMINT”) and electronic (“SIGINT”) spies.

Wikileaks Exposes CIA Involvement In French 2012 Presidential Election

In a move that is sure to unleash a fresh firestorm of accusations that Russia is interfering in the upcoming French elections, Wikileaks has has released three classified CIA "tasking orders" revealing details of a seven-month long spying campaign and involvement by the agency ahead of the 2012 French presidential election.

The 7 pages of documents reveal that all major French political parties "were targeted for infiltration by the CIA's human ("HUMINT") and electronic ("SIGINT") spies in the seven months leading up to France's 2012 presidential election."
