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presidential election

Once Feared, The "Tiger Cubs" Have Become Wall Street's Prey

Once Feared, The "Tiger Cubs" Have Become Wall Street's Prey

Things are rapidly changing for the hedge fund world, and not just in terms of chronically underperforming the S&P, which as the following chart from Goldman demonstrates, they have on 10 of the past 14 years, leading to relentless redemptions...

... but also in terms of crushing once pristine, seemingly untouchable reputations. Case in point: famed stock picker Julian Robertson and his Tiger Cub"proteges have ruled the Wall Street jungle for decades. After a down 2016, their reign is being challenged.

According To Credit Suisse, This Is The Only Thing That Matters To Markets

According To Credit Suisse, This Is The Only Thing That Matters To Markets

And, it will probably surprise no one, it has to do with president Donald Trump.

In a report by Credit Suisse analyst Lori Calvasina, to better understand the short term performance trends seen in the aftermath of the US Presidential election, and which trades may be most sensitive to shifting winds in Washington going forward, the Swiss bank analyzed how a handful of major macro indicators, stock market indices, styles, themes, sectors, and industry groups have been trading relative to trends in Trump’s favorability since the election, as tracked by Real Clear Politics.

Mike Pence Heads Official Voter Fraud Investigation

President Trump has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of an official government investigation into claims that widespread voter fraud took place during the 2016 US presidential election.  Pence will head a special commission to investigate claims that Clinton won the popular vote due to voter fraud across the United States. reports: “I’m going to set up a commission to be headed by Vice President Mike Pence and we’re going to look at it very, very carefully,” Trump told Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly in an interview on Sunday afternoon.
