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presidential election

Trump To Push On With Voter Fraud Probe, Puts Mike Pence In Charge

As if trying to prove MSNBC, which last week reported that "Trump’s campaign against imaginary voter fraud quietly fades", wrong President Trump announced during an interview with Bill O'Reilly on Sunday that he would put Vice President Mike Pence in charge of a commission to probe what he believes was voter fraud in last November's election, and which he says helped Hillary Clinton win the popular vote.

“I’m going to set up a commission to be headed by Vice President Mike Pence and we’re going to look at it very, very carefully,” Trump told Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

World's Largest Actively Managed-Bond Fund Dumps "Excessively Risky" Eurozone Bank Debt

World's Largest Actively Managed-Bond Fund Dumps "Excessively Risky" Eurozone Bank Debt

Back in September, Tad Rivelle, Chief Investment Officer for fixed income at LA-based TCW, said in a note that "the time has come to leave the dance floor", noting that "corporate leverage, which has exceeded levels reached before the 2008 financial crisis, is a sign that investors should start preparing for the end of the credit cycle." Ominously, he added that “we’ve lived this story before.” Five months later, the FT reports that TCW, which is also the US asset manager that runs the world’s largest actively managed bond fund, has put its money where its bearish mouth is, and has eliminat

Pelosi Demands The FBI Find "What Russians Have On Trump"

Pelosi Demands The FBI Find "What Russians Have On Trump"

Despite US allies around the world seeking partnerships with Russia (most recently Japan's Abe), it appears the Democrats simply cannot let go of the last meme standing between their loss in the election and a drastic reality check on the failure of identi5ty politics. Hours after Trump's comments on Putin's killing ways, Nancy Pelosi grandstanded on NBC's 'Meet The Press' that "I want to know what the Russians have on Donald Trump."

Stanford University: ‘Fake News’ Hysteria Is A Liberal Con

Hysterical claims by Democrats that President Trump won the election because of “fake news” and hoax articles that circulated on social media have been debunked by a scientific study of the phenomena funded by Stanford University. A number of prominent leftists—including defeated candidate Hillary Clinton, backed by a strong attempt at controlling the narative by the mainstream media—have insisted that people only refused to vote for Hillary because of “fake news” spread about her.
