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presidential election

Trump: "I Haven't Eased Anything On Russia"

The White House has backtracked on a report it is rolling back sanctions on Russia's Federal Security Service, the successor agency to the KGB,  after the Treasury Department announced an amendment to put measures in place by former President Obama in response to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The FSB was one of several entities sanctioned by Obama in December related to Russian hacking of Democratic political organizations and operatives. The FSB must also approve certain technology imports to Russia per domestic law.

French Political Scandal Fallout: Fillon Would Be Eliminated In First Round By Macron

French Political Scandal Fallout: Fillon Would Be Eliminated In First Round By Macron

As the political scandal gripping (former) French presidential frontrunner Francois Fillon grows, his public support is tumbling and according to a new opinion poll released on Wednesday, the conservative presidential candidate would no longer even make the second round of this spring's presidential election in France, raising the pressure on him as a scandal over his wife and children's publicly funded "fae work" engulfed his campaign.

Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Just yesterday we noted that, according to a Rasmussen poll, while the vocal, and often violent, disaffected Hillary protesters may get a lot of media attention, the silent majority of Americans, men and women who don't have time to protest 24 hours a day because they actually go to work to provide for their families, support Trump's temporary immigration ban from 7 mostly-Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Putin: CIA ‘Hacked’ Russian Spy Agency

President Putin has accused the CIA of infiltrating Russia’s intelligence agency and paying Russian spies to hand over top-secret intelligence to the U.S. government. Two senior cybersecurity specialists working for Russia’s spy agency, the FSB, have been arrested and detained by the Kremlin on charges of “breaking their oath” by disclosing State secrets to the CIA. reports: Sergei Mikhailov, allegedly detained at a board meeting last December, and his deputy, Dmitry Dokuchaev, were arrested by the Kremlin on Jan. 27 for treason and illegal hacking.
