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The Great Rotation Ends: Largest US Equity Outflows In 4 Months; Biggest Treasury Inflows Since July

The Great Rotation Ends: Largest US Equity Outflows In 4 Months; Biggest Treasury Inflows Since July

While the S&P500 market may remain pinned just why of all time highs, this appears to be from ongoing short covering, and is not - at least in the latest week - the result of new money entering the market. Quite the opposite: according to the latest BofA fund flow analysis based on EPFR data, in the latest week, US equities saw $6.3 billion in outflows, the largest weekly redemption from US mutual funds and ETFs in four months, since before the presidential election.

Putin, Trump To Talk By Phone On Saturday: "Getting Along With Russia Is A Great Thing"

Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump will have their first official discussions since the inauguration in a phone call planned for Saturday, the Kremlin said, a first step towards what Trump has billed as a normalization of relations after three years of tensions marked by open hostility during the Obama regime.

Hillary Clinton Recieved One Million Votes From Illegal Aliens

A new study reveals that Hillary Clinton received at least 800,000 votes from non-citizens during this years Presidential election, verifying claims made by President Trump. Political scientist Jesse Richman from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, published the research this week which he says conclusively proves that Clinton “won” the popular vote illegitimately. reports: Based on national polling by a consortium of universities, a report by Mr. Richman said 6.4 percent of the estimated 20 million adult noncitizens in the U.S. voted in November.
