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Madonna: "I Have Thought An Awful Lot About Blowing Up The White House"

Today's Women's March in D.C., where allegedly over 500,000 women turned out to protest the Trump presidency, turned awkward on Saturday afternoon when Madonna took the stage and first dropped three f-bombs during her address, sending cable stations including C-Span, CNN and MSNBC scrambling to cut audio, before the singer casually admitted she had thought about blowing up the white house.

Congress: We’re Coming For You Now, Hillary

The criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct while secretary of state is continuing, according to Jason Chaffetz who sent a message to Hillary Clinton on Donald Trump’s inauguration day – Congress is coming for you now, Hillary.  Chaffetz, the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, vowed to continue the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server despite the former secretary of state’s defeat in the 2016 presidential election.

Google Admits CNN Is ‘Fake News’

The thought police over at Google must be on vacation. Currently, when a user searches “CNN is” into Google, the top autocomplete suggestion currently says “CNN is fake news”. This is probably due to Donald Trump calling them “fake news” at his press conference last week. CNN Is Fake news You may recall that last year during the 2016 presidential election, Google was censoring negative Hillary autocomplete suggestions.

"The Potential Problems Are As Follows" - How The Bull Market Could End According To Credit Suisse

"The Potential Problems Are As Follows" - How The Bull Market Could End According To Credit Suisse

With Trump now officially US president amid concerns that a "sell the inauguration" sentiment may emerge at any moment, it was an appropriate moment for Credit Suisse analyst Andrew Garthwaite to release his report listing the 10 possible ways in which the bank's central views (and often the consensus) could be surprised. Below the bank highlights the factors its thinks could surprise adversely in 2017, together with its core views.

The quick summary:
