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"Fake News" Facebook Lands On List Of "America's Most Hated Companies"

"Fake News" Facebook Lands On List Of "America's Most Hated Companies"

Facebook just can't seem to catch a break lately.  From questionable privacy policies and mass data collection of its users to its handling of the so-called "Fake News" epidemic (see "George Soros Is Funding Facebook's "Third-Party Fact Checking" Organization Targeting 'Fake News'"), Mark Zuckerberg is pissing off a lot of people these days.  Unfortunately, when your entire business model is based on "friending" others, the alienation of various groups has caused enough people to "dislike" Facebook that the company has landed itself on 24/7 Wall Street's list of "America's Most Hate

Justice Department Launches Probe Into FBI, DOJ Actions During Presidential Campaign

The Justice Department Inspector General has launched a review of the actions of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Department of Justice leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

The review will include FBI Director James Comey's news conference in July and his two letters to the Hill in late October and early November.

Before the Nov. 8 election, Comey sent a letter to lawmakers that said the FBI discovered new emails related to Clinton.


Live Stream: Russia, Iran and International Alliances To Take Center Stage At Mattis Confirmation Hearing

With two days of grueling confirmation hearings in the books, it's time for Retired Marine General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, Trump's pick for Secretary of Defense, to field some questions.  In his prepared remarks, Mattis is expected to emphasize the importance of international alliances and bringing "business reforms to the Department of Defense by instilling budget discipline."  Per The Hill:

Marine Le Pen In New York For Unexpected Visit, May Meet Trump

Marine Le Pen In New York For Unexpected Visit, May Meet Trump

The leader of the French National Front Marine Le Pen, who according to a recent poll, has regained the lead in the first round vote of this year's French presidential election as the momentum of her main challenger Fillon has fizzled, is in New York on an unannounced visit less than four months before the election, according to a senior campaign official cited by Bloomberg. "Le Pen, who leads in the latest opinion poll for the presidency, is making a private visit to New York, her campaign chief of staff, David Rachline, said in a text-message exchange.
