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presidential election

US Intel Told Trump Russia Had Compromising Personal And Financial Information About Him

In a report that will likely set much of the liberal media on fire in the coming days, CNN reports, citing "multiple US officials", that top intelligence officials last week briefed President-elect Donald Trump about Russian operatives' claims that they have compromised Trump's personal and financial information.

CNBC Shill Publishes Story Calling For Trump to Delete His Twitter Account

CNBC Shill Publishes Story Calling For Trump to Delete His Twitter Account

Jacob Pramuk seems to make a living by second guessing just about every single thing President elect Trump does. His Twitter account is littered with anti-Trump gibberish. As an employee of CNBC, the home of the hardest Hillary shiller of all time -- John Harwood -- Jacob is right at home, very comfy, writing shit about Trump.

Obama Quietly Sends US Marines To Afghanistan

Just before leaving office President Obama has deployed 300 US Marines into Afghanistan to do what 100,000 failed to achieve. Obama, who drops one bomb for every terrorist on his kill list and manages to kill and maim dozens more in the process, won the Noble Peace Prize seven years ago before being crowned the Drone President. Last week, as the mainstream media continued to obsess over the CIA’s evidence-free claim that the Russians hacked the presidential election, President Obama quietly sent 300 US Marines back into Afghanistan’s Helmand Province.
