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presidential election

State Department Says Presenting Evidence Of Russian Hacking Would Be "Irresponsible"

One recurring lament throughout the theatrically dramatic campaign involving reports and emotional appeals by US intelligence agencies such as the CIA (whose primary function is the creation of disinformation) to ordinary Americans, that Russia had "hacked the US presidential election" is that for all the bluster and "conviction", there has been zero evidence.

Russia Is Getting Sick & Tired Of Hacking Witch Hunt Says Kremlin

Russia is getting “tired” of  Washington’s “baseless allegations” which accuse Moscow of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. US officials, including outgoing President Barack Obama, have accused the Kremlin of carrying out cyberattacks against US political organizations in order to help Donald Trump win the White House. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that the groundless accusations amounted to a “witch-hunt” Obama has also warned his successor Donald Trump that Vladimir Putin is an “adversary” who should never be trusted over the US intelligence community.

Iconic Value Investor Jeremy Grantham's GMO Loses $40 Billion In AUM Over Two Years

Iconic Value Investor Jeremy Grantham's GMO Loses $40 Billion In AUM Over Two Years

In the latest indication of the troubles facing the active management industry, iconic asset manager Jeremy Grantham, and his Boston money management firm, Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo, have seen an unprecedented slump in assets under management as a result of failing to generate return on par with the market, leading to mass investor defections.

The Market Is Ripe for a Correction (Everyone is "All In")

The Market Is Ripe for a Correction (Everyone is "All In")

The market has become one giant trade.

That trade is:

1)   Long US stocks

2)   Long the $USD

3)   Short Treasuries

4)   Short Gold

In terms of speculative positioning, as Hedgopia has noted hedge funds are net positioned in precisely these positions with the exception of Gold (net long 96.6 futures contracts).

Moreover, investment advisors are piling their clients into precisely these positions.

H/T Josh Brown
