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presidential election

Trump Speaker Downplays Imminent "Russian Hacking" Revelations; Says "Zero Evidence" Russia Involved

Over the weekend, Trump made waves among policy and media circles when during a brief, informal exchange with reporters on New Year's Eve at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, the president-elect questioned the official version of "Russians hacking the election", saying it was possible "somebody else" compromised the Democratic campaign’s servers, and adding that he will reveal some previously undisclosed facts in the coming days by hinting that "I also know things that other people don’t know, we they cannot be sure of the situation."

Trump to Continue "Freaking Mainstream Media Out", Will "Boldly Use" Twitter For Policy Announcements

Having drawn the ire of the mainstream press for his extensive use of Twitter in announcing major developments and policy shifts, President-elect Donald Trump will not end the "onslaught" of posts on Twitter that fed his unconventional campaign, even after taking on the formalized duties of the Oval Office later this month, as Bloomberg notes following an announcement by incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer who said he expects Trump "will boldly use" Twitter to make major policy announcements.

Drug Cartels Get Involved As Mexicans Rage, Protest Surging Gas Prices

Drug Cartels Get Involved As Mexicans Rage, Protest Surging Gas Prices

Even as Mexico has reasons to be concerned about the upcoming presidential inauguration of Donald Trump, who has vowed to make life, and especially trade relations, for Mexicans far more "complicated" under his administration, the population of Mexico has far more pressing problems at this moment, because just days after the finance ministry announced on December 27 that it would raise the price of gasoline by as much as 20.1% to 88 cents per liter while hiking diesel prices by 16.5% to 83 cents, the hikes went into effect on January 1, welcoming in the new year with a surge in the price of

Narrative Smashed By Stats - "Most Americans" Did Not Vote For Hillary Clinton

Narrative Smashed By Stats - "Most Americans" Did Not Vote For Hillary Clinton

Submitted by Salil Mehta via Statistical Ideas blog,

Happy New Year!  As we wrap up another successful year of the statistics blog (now with >50k followers), we would be remiss not to recognize some nice friends who are still feeling disappointed over the outcome of the recent U.S. election.  It is worth exploring a little more about the election results, based on the most updated voting records.  Particularly as the Democrats have pivoted the tête-à-tête from recount and FBI director Comey, to popular vote and Russian president Putin. 
