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presidential election

White House Ready To Punish Putin Over Election Hacking

The White House is making a last-ditch effort to punish Vladimir Putin and Russia for allegedly interfering in the recent US election, before Trump takes office.  Outgoing President Obama says that he is “almost ready” to impose “economic sanctions and diplomatic censure” over the cyberattacks. reports: Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, have been at the center of post-election accusations that Democratic Party cyberattacks were orchestrated to help President-elect Donald Trump win the White House in November.

Obama Set To Announce Economic Sanctions And "Covert Cyber Ops" Against Russia For "Election Hacking"

Obama Set To Announce Economic Sanctions And "Covert Cyber Ops" Against Russia For "Election Hacking"

Just a week after Obama held a press conference announcing that he sent a stern warning to Vladamir Putin regarding his alleged "election hacking" efforts (see "Obama Told Putin To "Cut It Out" On Hacking"), the Washington Post is reporting that the Obama administration is close to announcing a series of economic sanctions and other measures to punish Russia for its "interference" in the 2016 presidential election.  Quoting "U.S.

Le Pen Presidential Campaign Threatened By Russian Bank Failure

A problem has emerged for France's anti-immigrant, anti-Euro presidential frontrunner, Marine Le Pen, and it has little to do with being behind in the polls ahead of the 2017 presidential elections, far from it. It has, however, everything to do with something far simpler: money, as the National Front leader is suddenly struggling to raise the €20 million ($21 million) she needs to fund the French presidential and legislative campaigns in 2017 after the party’s Russian lender failed, the party treasurer said.

US Interfered In Foreign Elections 81 Times In 54 Years

The U.S. has accused Russia of having “interfered” in the 2016 presidential election without providing any hard evidence. Yet, the US establishment who mainly backed Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump have interfered in presidential elections of other countries. There is well-documented evidence of interference with the elections of numerous foreign nations under the pretext of protecting or furthering US “interests” abroad. The US was found to have interfered in foreign elections at least 81 times between 1946 and 2000 – not counting US-backed military coups or regime change efforts.
