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presidential election

Clinton Attorney Blasts James Comey's "Extraordinary Impropriety" In Seeking Warrant

 Clinton Attorney Blasts James Comey's "Extraordinary Impropriety" In Seeking Warrant

At first, James Comey was nothing more than an incompetent stooge, working within a hyper-partisan Department of Justice, who botched the Hillary email investigation by missing simple, publicly available signs of intent like Paul Combetta's now infamous Reddit thread.  Then, after reopening the email investigation just days before the election based on new evidence discovered on Anthony Weiner's computer, Comey immediately became a "Republican Operative" and most likely a "Russian Puppet" as well.

FBI Warrant For Clinton Emails Released As Democrats Slam Decision: "I Am Appalled"

FBI Warrant For Clinton Emails Released As Democrats Slam Decision: "I Am Appalled"

Since November 8th, disaffected Democrats have tried and failed repeatedly to undo the 2016 Presidential election.  First their was the failed recount effort launched by Jill Stein, an obvious front for the Clinton campaign, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.  Embarrassingly, that effort actually resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump but not before Stein wasted $7 million raised from devastated Hillary supporters.
