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presidential election

Report: Obama-Appointed Federal Inspector Threatened By Clinton Campaign Over Email Investigation

Report: Obama-Appointed Federal Inspector Threatened By Clinton Campaign Over Email Investigation

Content originally published at

An Obama appointed government watchdog central to the Hillary Clinton email investigation says that he, his family and his office faced an ‘intense backlash‘ from Clinton allies, who threatened him over findings that Clinton mishandled classified information.

Did NBC Push An Unfounded Conspiracy Theory On Behalf Of CIA?

Did NBC Push An Unfounded Conspiracy Theory On Behalf Of CIA?

Authored by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Retired National Security Agency (NSA) chief technology officer William Binney is being branded as a "conspiracy theorist" by corporate media outlets, most notably, the Comcast-owned National Broadcasting Corporation, for co-authoring a controversial memo issued this past summer by a group of former intelligence officers – Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.

Time Accuses Trump Of Lying With "Person Of The Year" Tweet

Time Accuses Trump Of Lying With "Person Of The Year" Tweet

As if by clockwork, president Trump has once again managed to dominated the holiday weekend news cycle, with a strategically timed, Friday afternoon tweet, in which he claimed that Time called to tell him that he was "probably" going to be named the magazine's person of the year, but that he turned the offer down.

"Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named "Man (Person) of the Year," like last year but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!" the president tweeted.
