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"Trump Trade" Leads To Ninth Biggest Weekly Inflow To Equities, More Bad News For Active Managers

"Trump Trade" Leads To Ninth Biggest Weekly Inflow To Equities, More Bad News For Active Managers

The Great Rotation continued for one more week today with global equity funds receiving $21 billion in inflows in the past week according to Bank of America, the ninth-biggest inflow ever, as investors rushed into 'Trump trade', while money flowed out of bonds for seventh week in a row. The EPFR-based report showed overall equity inflows of $63 billion since Donald Trump's U.S. presidential election win on Nov. 8, offsetting somewhat the $151 billion in outflows observed from January to October.

Obama: I Will Take Action Against Russia Before Leaving Office

President Barack Obama has promised to take direct action against Russia over their alleged interference in the presidential election, before he leaves office in January. In an interview with NPR on Thursday evening, Obama vowed to retaliate against Russia, but refused to detail what that would entail. “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action and we will — at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized, some of it may not be. But Mr.

Obama Vows Retaliation Against "Russia Hacking", To Hold Press Conference On Friday

Obama Vows Retaliation Against "Russia Hacking", To Hold Press Conference On Friday

With last night's top nationwide story, the NBC report that according to unnamed CIA sources, Vladimir Putin himself supervised the hacking of the US presidential election (it is still unclear precisely how Putin "hacked the election", or for that matter, what if any proof exists ), making the rounds and as of this moment having been placed front and center on the front page of ...

... it was obvious that this story was not going away just four days before the Dec. 19, Electoral College vote.

More Detroit Voting "Irregularities": 95 Poll Books "Missing" For Days; 5 Still Nowhere To Be Found

More Detroit Voting "Irregularities": 95 Poll Books "Missing" For Days; 5 Still Nowhere To Be Found

Last night we noted that Team Hillary, which was supportive of Jill Stein's recount efforts, should be careful what they wish for.  New data released yesterday revealed that voting machines in 37% of all Detroit precincts, which skew heavily democratic, registered more votes than they had of actual voters showing up at the polls.  The scale of the "voting irregularities" discovered prompted an automatic vote audit by the Michigan Secretary of State, Ruth Johnson.

The Associated Press Announces It Is Joining The "Fight Against The Scourge" Of Fake News

One by one, all the mainstream media outlets are announcing they will join Facebook's "fight" against "fraudulent stories" and the "scourge of fake news" to be defined arbitrarily by said media outlets. First it was "fact-checkers" such as Snopes and Politifact, now it's AP, and soon to follow, the rest of the mainstream.

From AP's blog:

The fight against fake news
