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Six Narratives On The Ascendancy Of Trump

Six Narratives On The Ascendancy Of Trump

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Perhaps the masses have (finally!) reached the point where the pain of maintaining the status quo now exceeds that of breaking it.

A remarkably diverse array of "explanations" of Donald Trump's presidential election victory have been aired, representing both the conventional political spectrum and well beyond.

Let’s start with the conventional mainstream media “explanations”:


A Tale Of Two Job Markets (Or Why The Elites Couldn't See A Trump Win Coming)

A Tale Of Two Job Markets (Or Why The Elites Couldn't See A Trump Win Coming)

Via The Economic Cycle Research Institute,

With the economic expansion in its eighth year, over 15 million jobs added since the post-recession low in employment, and a steady decline in the jobless rate from its recessionary high of 10% to under 5%, many mainstream economists were convinced that the U.S. economy was in good shape. That misconception, at least where jobs are concerned, is a key reason so many were stunned by this month’s election verdict.

Jill Stein Files Official Recount Petition In Michigan

Despite a Wisconsin judge denying her request for a hand recount last night due to the fact that she "failed to show any mistakes or irregularities that would bring a machine recount into question," Jill Stein continues her recount crusade today with an official petition in Michigan.  As usual, Stein released a statement along with the petition saying that "Americans deserve a voting system we can trust." Michigan state officials have confirmed that the recount will start on Friday and must be completed by December 13th. 

Per The Hill: 

Beige Book Finds Modest Economic Slowdown: Strong Dollar "Headwinds" Cited

The Fed's latest Beige Book released Wednesday found seven regional Fed districts reporting economic activity as growing at a modest or moderate pace, a decline from 11 in the last report, with strong dollar headwinds among one of the more frequently cited reasons for the weakness.

While the Beige Book information was collected up until Nov. 18, 10  days after the U.S. elections, uncertainty about the influence on politics on economic activity was cited eight times in the report. 

Juncker Pleads With Austria's Hofer: "No Referendums"

Juncker Pleads With Austria's Hofer: "No Referendums"

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker issued a warning to Austrian presidential candidate Norbert Hofer, regarding referendums.

Hofer, an anti-immigration, candidate is in a tight race for the election coming up on December 4.

If he wins, Hofer said he would hold in-out referendums if Brussels seeks to expand it power.
