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presidential election

The First Defection: Republican Elector Writes In NYT Op-Ed Why He Won't Be Voting For Trump

A Republican member of the Electoral College, Christopher Suprun, has published an op-ed in the NYT explaining on Monday explaining why he will not be casting his vote for Donald Trump.

“The election of the next president is not yet a done deal,” Texas elector Suprun writes the New York Times article. “Electors of conscience can still do the right thing for the good of the country. Presidential electors have the legal right and a constitutional duty to vote their conscience.”

Here Are The Biggest "Post-Trump" Market Risks According To Bank of America

Here Are The Biggest "Post-Trump" Market Risks According To Bank of America

As BofA's rates strategist Ralf Preusser writes in a note this morning, "not even a month since the US election and markets seem unrecognizable" adding that the Trump election represented a paradigm shift. Fiscal easing would take over from monetary easing and would allow for the dollar and rates to rise in unison, a trend not seen for a while.
