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presidential election

Jill Stein's Recount Effort Gets 12 Times More Coverage From ABC, CBS, NBC Than Her Entire Campaign

Jill Stein's Recount Effort Gets 12 Times More Coverage From ABC, CBS, NBC Than Her Entire Campaign

When Jill Stein was the Green Party’s candidate for U.S. president, the networks only gave her 36 seconds of coverage.

However, as NewsBusters' Mike Ciandella details, as soon as she launched a campaign to contest the presidential election and demand a recount of ballots in several key states, the evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC managed to find 7 minutes and 26 seconds of coverage for her in just four days.

That's more than 12 times as much coverage as in the entire campaign.

Could Pelosi Actually Lose Leadership Vote: "A Lot Of People Are Going To Be Surprised Tomorrow"

Democratic representative Tim Ryan of Ohio is a long shot to unseat Nancy Pelosi in the vote for the minority leadership position to be held tomorrow, but he's convinced that "a lot of people are going to be surprised" by the vote tallies.

“I think a lot of people are going to be surprised tomorrow.”


“I think we need a change.  Again, we’re at the smallest number we’ve had in our Democratic caucus since 1929.”


Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam"

Furious Democrats Blast Stein's Recount Effort As Nothing But A "Scam"

With the passing of each new day, it's growing more and more difficult to find anyone that is actually supportive of Jill Stein's recount efforts (aka fundraising scam).  The Obama administration has already weighed in saying that the election results "accurately reflected the will of the American people" while Clinton's campaign attorney even confirmed they had not "uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology."

Iranian Vessel Pointed Weapon At US Military Helicopter

Iranian Vessel Pointed Weapon At US Military Helicopter

Two months ago, a U.S. Navy coastal patrol ship in the Persian Gulf changed course after what the US military subsequently described was an Iranian fast-attack craft "harassing" it by coming within 100 yards. At the time Defense Department officials dubbed the interaction "unsafe and unprofessional due to lack of communications and the close-range harassing maneuvering" and noted that uncovered and manned weapons were seen on the Iranian vessel.
