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"Clinton Nemesis" Klayman Comes To Trump's Defense: "Trump Right About Judicial Bias And Prejudice"

It has been a difficult day for Donald Trump, with virtually everyone, enemies as well as alleged allies coming down on him like a ton of bricks over his comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel's alleged bias and prejudice against him. Just moments ago, The Hill issued an article titled "GOP aghast as Trump doubles down" in which it writes that "a defiant Donald Trump is refusing to backtrack over racially charged remarks he made last week, and the controversy has opened up a major divide between the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and senior GOP leaders.

Major Libertarian Victory Coming In November

Major Libertarian Victory Coming In November

Submitted by John Rubino via,

No, not the presidential election. That’s a libertarian nightmare no matter how you slice it.

But on that same day, California is apparently going to legalize marijuana. Here’s the LA Times’ coverage of the ballot measure when it got the required number of signatures back in May:

California voters getting chance to fully legalize marijuana

Hispanic Congressman Tears Into Trump: "You're A Racist, Take Your Border Wall And Shove It Up Your Ass"

Hispanic Congressman Tears Into Trump: "You're A Racist, Take Your Border Wall And Shove It Up Your Ass"

The political outcry from Trump's ongoing back and forth with Gonzalo Curiel, the judge overseeing the class-action lawsuits against Trump Unviersity, escalated today when following accusations of racism from democrats, as well as many top GOP leaders such as Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich and Sen. Ben Sasse distancing themselves from Trump's comments, a Hispanic House Democrat who represents a Texas district bordering Mexico tore into Donald Trump's attacks on the Mexican-American judge, calling them blatantly racist.
