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presidential election

Trump Ties Hillary In Latest National Poll

Trump Ties Hillary In Latest National Poll

And just like that, they are tied. In the latest poll from Rasmussen Reports, a national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump and Clinton tied at 38% each.

But 16% say they would vote for some other candidate if the presidential election comes down to those two, while six percent (6%) would stay home. Only two percent (2%) are undecided given those options.

This is a very different picture from the latest polls - pre-East Coast sweep...

As Fed Meeting Begins Futures Are Flat In Sleepy Session; Apple Earnings On Deck

As Fed Meeting Begins Futures Are Flat In Sleepy Session; Apple Earnings On Deck

With the Fed decision just one day away, followed the very next day by the increasingly more irrational BOJ, stocks had no desire to make significant moves and overnight's boring session was the result, as European stocks and U.S. index futures rose modestly but mostly hugged the flatline while Asian declined 0.2% for a third day as raw-material shares declined and Tokyo equities slumped before central bank meetings in the U.S. and Japan this week. China’s stocks rose the most in almost two weeks, up 0.6% but failed to rise above 3000 on the Shanghai Composite, in thin trading.
