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The Cost of Big Ag

When most Americans think about agriculture, they picture a small mom and pop farm with a few hundred acres and a small group of happy cows. Few realize that small agricultural enterprises are far from the norm today: as Leah Douglas wrote for Pacific Standard yesterday, “just four companies control 65 percent of pork slaughter, 84 percent of cattle slaughter, and 53 percent of chicken slaughter. Milk production is largely shaped by one large processor, Dean Foods, and one large cooperative, Dairy Farmers of America.” What are the practical results of this?

London's New Mayor To Donald Trump: Let Muslims In Or They Will Attack The US

Ever since he officially took office on May 9, London's first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan wasted no time in criticizing and attacking Donald Trump's proposed Muslim ban. Several days ago, the presumptive candidate told the New York Times that he was happy to see Mr Khan elected, saying it could be "very, very good." However, the pleasantry was not returned, and instead Khan said Trump's "ignorant" view of Islam could make both Britain and the US less safe, which ironically implies more potential terrorist attacks by Muslims in both the US and the UK.

In Dramatic Reversal, Trump Is Now Tied With Hillary In Latest National Poll

In Dramatic Reversal, Trump Is Now Tied With Hillary In Latest National Poll

When it comes to Donald Trump, the mainstream media has had a habit of being repeatedly wrong in its forecasts. Most recently, in the aftermath of Trump's effective victory in the GOP primaries, the conventional wisdom was that the real estate billionaire would "never" be able to catch up to Hillary's support at the national level. This too now appears to have been a mistake.

An Unexpected Supporter For Donald Trump Emerges

An Unexpected Supporter For Donald Trump Emerges

Following yet another victory for Bernie Sanders last night in West Virginia, Hillary Clinton's race to The White House suffered another, perhaps more critical blow. As The Hill reports, nearly half of the voters in the West Virginia Democratic primary who backed Bernie Sanders say they would vote for Republican Donald Trump in the fall presidential election, according to exit polls reported by CBS News.


