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presidential election

Latest Thoughts on the Campaign

Latest Thoughts on the Campaign

Back at the start of the year, when the market was plunging every day and I had the time and mental energy to devote myself to topics besides charts, I wrote this post called My Presidential Election Prediction. The core thesis was, "Status Quo means Hillary. Financial Mayhem means Bernie. Fear means Trump."

So far, it seems Status Quo is winning. The status-y quo-ish stuff that's happening is:

+ No terrorist activity or threats;

+ Ridiculous amounts of calm and optimism in the financial markets;

Chinese Military Space Station In Argentina Worries Experts

Rumors are circulating about a Chinese space station is being built deep in Argentina’s Patagonia region.  Beijing and Buenos Aires signed a deal in 2012 to build the “Deep Space Station”, due to be completed by the end of 2016. While both countries maintain that “the ground station in the Southern Hemisphere to support the program for moon exploration and other space activities,” there is a concern that the Chinese facility may harbour military ambitions.
