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US Manufacturing PMI Misses By Most Since 2013, Presidential Election Blamed

US Manufacturing PMI Misses By Most Since 2013, Presidential Election Blamed

Given the extraordinary jumps in several regional Fed surveys, hope was rife that US Manufacturing PMI's flash print would jump... it didn't. Hovering near multi-year lows at 51.4, PMI missed expectations of 51.9 by the most since Aug 2013. With record highs in wholesale inventories, Markit claims that "pre-production inventories decline at the steepest pace in over 2 years." The blame for this plunge: dollar strength, weak global demand, and Trump.

Not recovering...

As Markit explains,

Meet The Landlord Who Refuses To Rent To Supporters Of Donald Trump

Meet The Landlord Who Refuses To Rent To Supporters Of Donald Trump

By definition liberals, also known as the group which after establishment Republicans is most threatened by Donald Trump's meteoric rise, are supposed to be... well... liberal, as in avoid prejudice when interacting with fellow human beings. Unfortunately, that appears not to be the case with a landlord in Grand Junction, Colorado, who is refusing to rent to anyone who supports Trump. 

As the Daily Sentinel writes, supporters of The Donald aren’t welcome at Mark Holmes’ rental on Main Street, indicated by this advertisement he placed in The Nickel last week. To wit:

Latest Thoughts on the Campaign

Latest Thoughts on the Campaign

Back at the start of the year, when the market was plunging every day and I had the time and mental energy to devote myself to topics besides charts, I wrote this post called My Presidential Election Prediction. The core thesis was, "Status Quo means Hillary. Financial Mayhem means Bernie. Fear means Trump."

So far, it seems Status Quo is winning. The status-y quo-ish stuff that's happening is:

+ No terrorist activity or threats;

+ Ridiculous amounts of calm and optimism in the financial markets;
