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presidential election

Are We Becoming A Nation Of Silver-Haired Crooks?

Are We Becoming A Nation Of Silver-Haired Crooks?

Submitted by Bill Bonner of Bonner & Partners (annotated by's Pater Tenebrarum),

A Salutary Effect

“Ike and Dick Sure to Click” was an exciting election slogan. Their Democratic opponents, Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver, had their snazzy campaign jingle, too: “Adlai and Estes… They’re the Bestes.”

Surely, the men behind these slogans had their private hungers and perversions. But they kept them to themselves. The 1956 presidential election campaign was a dull affair.

Don’t Forget Lahore

When the Brussels attacks happened, media coverage and popular outrage filled the days after—like the Paris terror attacks the year before, they dominated the news. And rightly so.

But what of the terrorist bombing in Pakistan on Easter Sunday? The coverage has slowly started to trickle in; the frustration is slowly building. The Vatican Insider shares some details on the bombing:

Sell In March And Go Away? There's Something About April During Election Years

We will be the first to admit that in the current centrally-planned world, where nothing but the words and deeds of central bankers matter, fundamentals, seasonals, technicals and charts are a laughable anachronism from days gone by when the market - as traded by humans and not vacuum tubes with laser beams - could drop 10% without the Federal Reserve collapsing into a panicked mess.

However, there are those who still believe that what used to work in the past still does, and trade according to the patterns observed in the Trader's Almanac.
