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presidential election

The Economist Went There - Shockingly Un-PC Study Shows Whites Work Hardest, Longest

The Economist Went There - Shockingly Un-PC Study Shows Whites Work Hardest, Longest

A trio of labor economists suggest that effort at work is correlated with race...

As The Economist writes, given the long history of making racial slurs about the efforts of some workers, any study casting black and Hispanic men as lazier than whites and Asians is sure to court controversy.

But, a provocative working paper by economists Daniel Hamermesh, Katie Genadek and Michael Burda sticks a tentative toe into these murky waters.

Russian Oligarch Docks World's Largest Yacht Just Down The Road From Mar-A-Lago

Russian Oligarch Docks World's Largest Yacht Just Down The Road From Mar-A-Lago

Last week, special counsel Robert Muller and his team subpoenaed the Trump campaign asking campaign officials to handover Russian-related documents. The subpoena was first reported by the WSJ on Thursday, which the source said, the campaign has already turned over 20,000 documents, and was not clear why the subpoena was issued. Mueller and his team of investigators are probing for any collusion between President Trump and ‘the Russians’ during the 2016 presidential election.

What German Political Turmoil? Global Markets BTFD, Don't Look Back

What German Political Turmoil? Global Markets BTFD, Don't Look Back

US index futures are unchanged, having recovered virtually all overnight session losses alongside the EURUSD following Merkel's failure to form a government, while European shares rise despite Angela Merkel's failure to form a new government. In the span of just hours, the goalseeked "hot take" consensus was that Germany’s collapsed coalition talks aren’t expected be a deal breaker for European equities due to the "strength of the German economy."

Mark Zuckerberg's Long Litany Of Failings - Mainstream Media Turns On Social Media

The mainstream media is a fickle beast beholden to the direction of the prevailing political winds. Unfortunately for Facebook, Google and Twitter, those winds have turned about face in recent weeks as the political establishment thrashes about in its misguided efforts to prove that – aided by social media - Russia changed the course of the 2016 presidential election. While Facebook’s share price has suffered very little so far, the mainstream media is going to work on the reputations of Facebook and its billionaire founder.
