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Mauldin: The Next Crisis Will Reveal How Little Liquidity There Is

Authored by John Mauldin via,

This is something I’ve been pondering for some time. I think the next crisis will reveal how little liquidity there is in the credit markets, especially in the high-yield, lower-rated space.

Dodd–Frank has greatly limited the ability of banks to provide market-making opportunities and credit markets, a function that has been in their wheelhouse for well over a century.

CME Unveils Bitcoin Futures Circuit Breakers

CME Unveils Bitcoin Futures Circuit Breakers

Having taken a gamble on bitcoin futures, which are set to begin trading by the end of the year, the CME is now seeking to avoid the consequences of what has emerged as both the cryptocurrency's best and worst selling point: its unprecedented volatility. To do that, the Chicago-based exchange will do what it does to virtually every other asset class traded under its roof, and impose limits on how much prices of bitcoin futures can fluctuate within a day.

Twitter Told Congress This Random American Is A Russian Propaganda Troll

Twitter Told Congress This Random American Is A Russian Propaganda Troll

Update: Twitter has re-activated Delaware's account. The company declined to comment about why it reinstated the account and about whether it would amend the list it sent to Congress.

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Authored by Louise Matsakis via,

Robert Delaware is now part of the Congressional record, despite having no apparent ties to Russia...

Who's Going To Eat The Losses?

Who's Going To Eat The Losses?

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via,


Many more people need to understand what that word really means, and how it applies to pretty much everything in the current human living arrangement. Especially the so-called 'developed' nations.

Here’s the dictionary definition:

Let's take these three definitions one at a time.

Twitter Revises Terms Of Service, No Longer Believes In "Speaking Truth To Power"

Twitter Revises Terms Of Service, No Longer Believes In "Speaking Truth To Power"

Having been caught in a crossfire over internet free speech and Russian conspiracy theories, Twitter has quietly made a significant change in its stated "Twitter Rules" terms of service.

Following several Congressional hearings meant to root out "Russian interference" by Twitter accounts, as well as an incident in which a disgruntled, now former employee, disabled Donald Trump's twitter account for 11 minutes, it appears that Twitter no longer believes in "speaking truth to power."
