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California Clears First Hurdle In Effort To Split Into Three States

California Clears First Hurdle In Effort To Split Into Three States

After several failed Calexit attempts over the past several months (see: CalExit 3.0: New Petition Calls For Cali Secession...3rd Time's A Charm?), tech billionaire Tim Draper is pursuing yet another major shakeup in the Golden State.  According to the New York Times, Draper is convinced that a state of 40 million people is simply "ungovernable" and has filed paperwork seeking a ballot initiative that would split it into 3 distinct states.

Honeypot: Was The Trump Camp's Meeting With Russian Lawyer All A Clinton Set-Up?

Honeypot: Was The Trump Camp's Meeting With Russian Lawyer All A Clinton Set-Up?

Authored by Tyler O'Neil via PJMedia.ocom,

This week's bombshell - that the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign financed former British spy Christopher Steele's salacious dossier allegedly connecting Donald Trump and Russia - may suggest something even more devious. The dossier was compiled by the notorious firm Fusion GPS, which also worked for Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, the very woman who met with Donald Trump Jr. in a meeting deemed pivotal to the case for Trump-Russia "collusion."

Russian Content May Have Reached 126 Million Facebook Users, There Is Just One Catch

One month ago, the media world and political punditry was in a furore after Facebook revealed that some 470 alleged Russian troll accounts had paid Facebook a whopping $100,000 to purchase 3,000 advertisements potentially influencing the outcome of the election (even though many of the ads "showed support for Clinton" and only half ran before the actual election).

S&P Futures Slide After Chinese Stock And Bond Rout; Spain Rebounds, Dollar Drops

S&P Futures Slide After Chinese Stock And Bond Rout; Spain Rebounds, Dollar Drops

U.S. futures slid 0.2% as investors await a barrage of announcements including Wednesday's Fed decision, Friday's jobs report and, most importantly Trump's imminent announcement of who the next Fed chairman will be, although after the latest trial balloons, Jay Powell is now largely priced in. Asian equities edged modestly higher despite a tumble in Chinese stocks and bonds with Japan's Nikkei closing 3 points in the green, while European shares hold steady after concerns eased about the Catalan crisis with no notable developments over the weekend, pushing Spanish stocks and bonds higher.

The Kennedy Assassination

The Kennedy Assassination

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers, some of you are pushing me to continue with the Las Vegas shooting story while others are asking to know what to make of the release of files pertaining to President Kennedy’s assassination. I appreciate that you are interested and are unsatisfied with official explanations.

My answer is that we already know, thanks to exhaustively researched books such as James W. Douglass’ JFK and the Unspeakable (Simon & Schuster, 2008), far more than is in the released files.
