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Glenn Greenwald: Yet Another 'Major' Russia Story Falls Apart...

Glenn Greenwald: Yet Another 'Major' Russia Story Falls Apart...

Authored by Mike Shedlock via,

The biggest purveyors of “fake news” and irresponsible journalism are the news media outlets complaining most about it.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is at the forefront of the latest fake news on Russia.

Maddow’s Rant

Facebook Expects To Turn Over 3,000 "Russia Ads" To Congress In The Coming Days

Facebook Expects To Turn Over 3,000 "Russia Ads" To Congress In The Coming Days

After leaking details about the controversial “Russia ads” to the media earlier this week (a decision we presume was made to save investigators the trouble of leaking it themselves), Facebook has revealed to the Financial Times that it expects to finally turn over the more than 3,000 Russia-bought political ads to US lawmakers in the coming days.

These Maps Explain Who Really Caused Hillary's Loss (Hint: It Wasn't Angry, Sexist, Xenophobic, White Men)

These Maps Explain Who Really Caused Hillary's Loss (Hint: It Wasn't Angry, Sexist, Xenophobic, White Men)

Ever since election day Hillary and her former minions have attempted to reinforce a narrative that some combination of Russian hackers, James Comey and angry, sexist, xenophobic, white men were the cause of here staggering defeat in November 2016.  That said, a new study highlighted by the Washington Post (of all places) today, confirms that it very well could have been black voters that ultimately crushed Hillary's chances at the White House and not so much a sudden onset of racism.
