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Trump: "You Can Thank Congress For The All Time Low In US-Russia Relationship"

Trump: "You Can Thank Congress For The All Time Low In US-Russia Relationship"

Update: shortly after he took credit for the record stock market and business enthusiasm, Trump - accurately - blamed Congress for the current "very dangerous" relationship with Russia, when he tweeted that"Our relationship with Russia is at an all-time & very dangerous low. You can thank Congress, the same people that can't even give us HCare!"

Who Are The Winners And Losers When Trade War Breaks Out Between The US And China

Who Are The Winners And Losers When Trade War Breaks Out Between The US And China

The small of trade war between China and the US is becoming ever more rancid.

In the latest development, this morning we reported that the Trump administration is planning a probe of what the U.S. sees as violations of intellectual property by China. Against a backdrop of Trump’s frustrations with domestic policy, sliding approval ratings and disagreement with China over North Korea, the chances of protectionist action are rising according to Bloomberg while CNBC adds that the official start date of the trade war will be this Friday.

Special Counsel Mueller Adds Another Obama Ally To His Team

With each passing day, it's looking increasingly like the only people qualified to serve on Special Counsel Mueller's investigative team are lawyers who have either directly worked for and/or contributed to the campaigns of Barack Obama and/or Hillary Clinton.  As Reuters points out today, Mueller's latest hire is Greg Andres, a former DOJ attorney who was appointed during the Obama administartion and served under Attorney General Eric Holder.

Kushner: "Trump Campaign Was Too Incompetent To Collude With Russia"

Kushner: "Trump Campaign Was Too Incompetent To Collude With Russia"

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and special adviser Jared Kushner has inadvertently produced a stunningly effective counternarrative to the allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to tilt the election in the former reality television star’s favor.

In response to a question asked during a private meeting with White House interns, Kushner joked that the shambolic Trump campaign was too disorganized and incompetent to pull off such a remarkable coup.

Lawsuit Alleges Fox News And Trump Collaborated To Create Fake Story About Seth Rich Killing

Lawsuit Alleges Fox News And Trump Collaborated To Create Fake Story About Seth Rich Killing

Malia Zimmerman, a Fox News reporter, was accused of fabricating two quotes for a story that connected now-deceased DNC staffer Seth Rich to Wikileaks in a lawsuit filed Tuesday by Washington police detective Rod Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Rich's family and himself a longtime Fox News commentator.
