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WannaCry Ransomware Attack Linked To China, Not Russia Or North Korea

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Linked To China, Not Russia Or North Korea

A few weeks ago, in what was described as one of the "worst-ever recorded attacks of its kind," the WannaCry ransomware virus spread the globe at an alarming rate, seizing control of private networks and demanding bitcoin payments to relinquish that control.  As we pointed out then, and not terribly surprisingly, those pesky "Russian hackers," the same ones that lay relatively dormant for years then suddenly emerged from hibernation in 2016 to hack the DNC, John Podesta and the entire 2016 U.S.

Millennials Choose To Spend Money On Travel, Dining, And Fitness Than Save For Retirement: Survey

Millennials Choose To Spend Money On Travel, Dining, And Fitness Than Save For Retirement: Survey

Submitted by Nicholas Colas of Convergex

Millennials save more of their income than older generations. Don’t believe it? Look at a recent survey by Merrill Edge, which found millennials say they save 36% more than their general population counterparts report as over a third stash away more than 20% of their salary per year.

Mortgage Rates Tumble To 6-Month Lows

Mortgage Rates Tumble To 6-Month Lows

After a week of dismal housing data, a silver lining perhaps. The spike in U.S. mortgage rates since the November presidential election has been cut in half.

As Bloomberg notes, the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage dropped in the week ended Thursday to a six-month low of 3.95 percent, according to Freddie Mac data.

In the seven weeks after the election, borrowing costs increased by 75 basis points to 4.32 percent at the end of December, the highest since April 2014.
