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Tucker Carlson Discusses Hillary Clinton's Recent Russian Conspiracy Theories


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Ever since the election, the democrats and establishment republicans have been 'investigating' Russian ties to Trump and how that all led to John Podesta's email box to be hacked into, which of course led to Hillary Clinton losing the Presidential election. She lost, not because of her criminality, but because of fake news, obviously. It's worth noting, in a year of arduous investigations, nothing has been proven to tie Trump to the Russians.

Here Are The Seven "Black Swans" SocGen Believes Could Shock Global Markets

Here Are The Seven "Black Swans" SocGen Believes Could Shock Global Markets

As part of its periodic Global Economic Outlook, SocGen traditionally includes a discussion of what it views are the biggest "black swans" both to the upside and the downside, and the latest just released edition titled "On a Plateau", which took a rather grim outlook to the world economy predicting that a US recession will likely hit in the not too distant future while "China, South Korea, Australia, US, Germany, UK and Japan are in the more mature phase of the cycle", and that current global growth is "essentially as good as it gets"...

... was no different. 

Comey To Testify Publicly That "Trump Did Push Him To End" Flynn's Russia Probe

The showdown between Donald Trump and James Comey will be televised after all.

According to CNN, the former FBI director plans to testify publicly in the Senate as early as next week to confirm bombshell accusations that President Donald Trump "did push Comey to end his investigation into a top Trump aide's ties to Russia."

Trump Trashes Democrats' Russia Probe "Witch Hunt", Urges Carter Page To "Clear His Name"

Trump Trashes Democrats' Russia Probe "Witch Hunt", Urges Carter Page To "Clear His Name"

President Trump's angry tweetstorm this morning blasted Democrats, saying they no longer want Carter Page to testify in the investigation into the Russian election meddling, becuse he would counter previous testimony by former FBI and intelligence officials.

As a reminder, The Hill notes, last week, Page, a former adviser to Trump's campaign, said he would testify before the House Intelligence Committee in early June.

Page, who advised Trump on foreign policy, also said he obtained legal counsel.

Putin: "Russian Meddling Is A Fiction Democrats Invented To Divert Blame For Their Defeat"

With McCarthyism 2.0 continues to run amok in the US, spread like a virulent plague by unnamed, unknown, even fabricated sources, over in France one day after his first meeting with French president Emanuel Macron, the man who supposedly colluded with and was Trump's pre-election puppet master (but had to wait until after the election to set up back-channels with Jared Kushner) Vladimir Putin sat down for an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro in which the Russian president expressed the belief that Moscow and Western capitals “all want security, peace, safety and cooperation
