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President Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey

President Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey

The initially amicable, then increasingly more controversial, contentious and, finally, rancorous relationship between President Donald Trump and FBI Director James Comey has just concluded with the utterance of two of Trump's favorite words: 'You're fired."

According to a statement issued by the White House, the firing of Comey comes at the recommendation of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Below is the full statement from the White House:

"Brexit Is A Time Bomb..." UBS Chairman Warns "Europe's Not Out Of The Woods With Macron Win"

"Brexit Is A Time Bomb..." UBS Chairman Warns "Europe's Not Out Of The Woods With Macron Win"

It appears the chairmen of UBS have plenty to say on Europe.Following former UBS chairman Peter Kurer's comments that "to the elites, the EU is a means to get rich quickly and export their problems," UBS current chairman Axel Weber has warned bankers that Europe is not "out of the woods" from its political risks even after Emmanuel Macron’s reassuring victory in the French presidential election.

Peter Kurer recently remarked on the end of the Euro...

Eight Reasons Why Emmanuel Macron May Soon Regret His Victory

Eight Reasons Why Emmanuel Macron May Soon Regret His Victory

The confetti were still littering Paris from Macron's celebration event on Sunday night when the 39-year-old Frenchman became the youngest president in French history, and already he met with one of the biggest challenges facing his new administration: a population, mostly among the local labor unions, that is unwilling to accept any if not all of the proposed economic reforms, and made this abundantly clear on Monday by clashing in violent protests across Paris with the local riot police.
