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America's Been Committing Suicide-By-Bad-Choices For Decades

Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,

Hillary’s dumb riposte to Trump’s dumb slogan — make America great again! — was “…America never stopped being great.” I guess she’s been traveling around the strip-mall wastelands of Carolina failing to notice the carnage that lays upon this land like a mortal scrofula. America has been committing suicide by bad choices for decades.

Hillary Cruises To Victory In South Carolina Amid Strong African American Support

Update: CBS and CNN call it for Clinton. It was over before it started.

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Last weekend, on the heels of a decisive (if expected) victory for Bernie Sanders in the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton reclaimed the momentum in the race for the Democratic nomination by escaping the Nevada caucuses with a narrow victory over the Vermont senator.

Is This The Death Of The American Political Establishment?

Authored by Robert Reich,

Step back from the campaign fray for just a moment and consider the enormity of what’s already occurred.

A 74-year-old Jew from Vermont who describes himself as a democratic socialist, who wasn’t even a Democrat until recently, has come within a whisker of beating Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucus, routed her in the New Hampshire primary, and garnered over 47 percent of the caucus-goers in Nevada, of all places.
