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Epocalypse Soon: The Great Economic Collapse is Happening

I use the term "epocalypse" to name the last days of the global economy as we know it -- a global economic collapse of biblical proportion. It is economic, epochal, an apocalypse that will change the world and a collapse " all in one word that sounds the right size for what I'm talking about. Call it the "Great Collapse" or the "Epocalypse." Whatever you call it, it's about to change the world.

How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Members of the Corrupt Government in Montenegro Paid by US Taxpayers in Exchange for joining NATO?

How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Members of the Corrupt Government in Montenegro Paid by US Taxpayers in Exchange for joining NATO?

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What the Red Cup Controversy Really Says about Christmas in America

I couldn't understand what the controversy was about. This was a corporate entity that had decided to use plain red coffee cups instead of ones festooned with holiday icons. Big deal. But Americans -- and especially conservative Christian Americans -- have a very parochial view of Christmas. For most people in this country, Christmas means a decorated tree, snow, and Christmas carols.
