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retail investors

JPMorgan: "This Is The Moment Everyone Went All In"

JPMorgan: "This Is The Moment Everyone Went All In"

There is a fascinating table in JPMorgan's 2018 year-end outlook released overnight, previewed yesterday by head quant Marko Kolanovic: it shows that a funny thing happened as the so-called experts were looking for signs of retail euphoria (and repeatedly were unable to find it): everyone went "all-in" stocks, and not just retail investors and US households, but mutual funds, hedge funds, pensions, systematic, and sovereign wealth funds.

One Bank Believes It Found The Identity Of Who Is "Propping Up The Bitcoin Market"

One Bank Believes It Found The Identity Of Who Is "Propping Up The Bitcoin Market"

Back in May when the Chinese domination over Bitcoin was ending, we predicted that it would shift over to Japan, specifically, we said that "just as the Chinese bubble frenzy in bitcoin is fading, it may be replaced with a new one, in which thousands of Mrs. Watanabe traders shift their attention away from the FX market and toward digital currencies" and added that "If the transition is seamless, there is no telling just how far this particular bubble can grow."

Fasanara Capital Explains How The "Fake Market" Works In One Chart

Fasanara Capital Explains How The "Fake Market" Works In One Chart

Via Francesco Filia of Fasanara Capital

“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Hard data ceased to be a driver for markets, valuation metrics for bonds and equities which held valid for over a century are now deemed secondary. Narratives and money flows trump hard data, overwhelmingly.
