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Trump's Son Said To Have Met With Russian Lawyer After "Promise Of Damaging Hillary Info": NYT

Two days after the NYT reported that Donald Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., together with then campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner - but without Donald Trump himself being present - had met at the Trump Tower with a lawyer who was allegedly "Kremlin connected" on June 9, 2016, shortly after Trump was assured of the Republican nomination, the NY Times has followed up with a new article, one which seeks to explain the one thing that was missing from the original NYT article: the motive behind said meeting, as in retrospect it turned o

Trump Cannot Improve Relations With Russia When Trump’s Government and the US Media Oppose Improved Relations

Trump Cannot Improve Relations With Russia When Trump’s Government and the US Media Oppose Improved Relations

Paul Craig Roberts

President Trump Has Been Contradicted by His Own Government, Which Has Lined Up Against Him in Favor of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee, and the Russophobic Presstitute Media that serves the military/security complex and the neoconservatives.

Trump: "Putin & I Discussed Forming Impenetrable Cyber Security Unit" To Prevent Election Hacking

Following the first meeting between President Trump and President Putin, in which the issue of cybersecurity and Russian "interference" in the US election was a prominent topic, there was one unanswered question: did Trump accept Russia's "assertions" that it did not interfere in the voting process.

Putin: Trump On TV Is "Very Different From The Real Trump"

Following President Trump's earlier comments that his "meeting with Putin was trememndous," the Russian President set an optimistic tone for future US relations, remarking that the Donald Trump seen on television is different from the one in real life, adding that "as for personal relations, I think that they are established."

In his 25 minute press conference, Putin carefully touched on all the talking-point 'tape-bomb gotchas' expressing hope for Syria, explaining his views on the Russia-meddling accusations, and cycbersecurity.

Trump: "Meeting With Putin Was Tremendous"

President Donald Trump said that his first face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, and which lasted for more than two hours on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg, was “tremendous.”

“I had a tremendous meeting yesterday with President Putin,” Trump said while speaking with UK Prime Minister Theresa May on Saturday; the US president did not give further details regarding his meeting with Putin.
