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"It Is The Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered In The US Presidential Election"

"It Is The Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered In The US Presidential Election"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Unlike Oliver Stone, who knew how to interview Vladimir Putin, Megyn Kelly did not. Thus, she made a fool of herself, which is par for her course.

Now the entire Western media has joined Megyn in foolishness, or so it appears from a RT report. James O’Keefe has senior CNN producer John Bonifield on video telling O’Keefe that CNN’s anti-Russia reporting is purely for ratings:

“It’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any big giant proof.”


Putin Accuses "Foreign Spy Agencies" Of Supporting Terrorism To Destabilize Russia

In the first public accusation that "foreign spy agencies" are seeking to destabilize Russia made in recent years, during a meeting with Russia's foreign intelligence agency President Vladimir Putin said that "some foreign special services" are directly supporting extremist and terrorist groups to destabilize the situation near Russia’s borders, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Russia’s foreign intelligence agency.

New Polls Suggest the People of the World Hate Trump -- IMPEACH THE ORANGE ORB NOW!!!

New Polls Suggest the People of the World Hate Trump -- IMPEACH THE ORANGE ORB NOW!!!

Enough of this charade. The people of the world have spoken, and just 22% of asked by Pew Research have confidence in President Trump -- down from Obama's stellar 64%. More than that, the only two nations in the world where Trump was more popular than Obama was Russia (shocker!) and Israel.

Why doesn't Trump move to Jerusalem and become President there? He seems to love that wall so much -- plus he'd be closer to his friends in Russia.

He loves walls.
