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Deutsche Bank Needs More Time To Respond To Maxine Waters' Fishing Expedition On Trump Loans

Update: on Tuesday, Deutsche Bank said it had responded “promptly” to request from U.S. Democrats seeking information from the bank on its client relationship with U.S. President Donald Trump, a spokesman said Tuesday.  It added that the bank can’t comment on individual client relationships and supplying information about relationship to external parties would be violation of law, spokesman says

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FBI Arrests NSA Contractor Who Leaked Top Secret "Russian Hacking" Document To The Intercept

FBI Arrests NSA Contractor Who Leaked Top Secret "Russian Hacking" Document To The Intercept

Earlier this afternoon, the Intercept reported that according to a "top secret NSA document", Russian Military Intelligence "executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing emails to more than 100 local election officials days before election."

Putin Hints JFK Was Murdered By The "Deep State" Which Is Now After Trump And Russia

In Megyn Kelly's much anticipated interview with Vladimir Putin for her debut episode of NBC's "Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly", the Russian President said he never met Donald Trump during his business trips to Russia (including Trump’s 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant), stated that he was unaware of any proposal from Jared Kushner to set up an alleged "secret line" of communications between the Trump administration and the Russian government, and that it’s “nonsense” to say Russia has collected compromising material about Trump among many other topics covered in the 7 minu
