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Russian Lawmaker Issues Sobering Threat: We're Willing To Use Nukes To Defend Crimea

Russian Lawmaker Issues Sobering Threat: We're Willing To Use Nukes To Defend Crimea

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As of late, the media has forgotten about tensions between Ukraine, NATO, and Russia. Crimea and the conflict in Eastern Ukraine have largely left the public’s awareness. However, that shouldn’t be the case, because this region is still a powder keg that could blow at any time. And if it does, it could easily result in another world war.

Obama-Era Officials Subpoenaed By House Intel Committee In Trump "Unmasking" Probe

Obama-Era Officials Subpoenaed By House Intel Committee In Trump "Unmasking" Probe

While it was not surprising that as part of the ongoing probe into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections, the House Intel Committee issued a total of seven subpoenas on Wednesday as the WSJ reported, what was surprisng is that in addition to four subpoenas focusing purely on the Russia investigation, the Republican-led committee also issued three subpoenas focusing on "unmasking" questions, involving how and why the names of associates of President Donald Trump were unredacted and distributed within classified reports by Obama administration officials during th

A Voice Of Reason Speaks Regarding "The New Cold War"

A Voice Of Reason Speaks Regarding "The New Cold War"

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Last week was interesting for me. I spent about half my time getting up to speed with the latest happenings in the crypto-coin world, and got really excited about a lot of what I saw. In fact, this was the first time I became totally consumed by the space in several years, going back to when I first investigated and started becoming involved with Bitcoin.

Putin: "Russian Meddling Is A Fiction Democrats Invented To Divert Blame For Their Defeat"

With McCarthyism 2.0 continues to run amok in the US, spread like a virulent plague by unnamed, unknown, even fabricated sources, over in France one day after his first meeting with French president Emanuel Macron, the man who supposedly colluded with and was Trump's pre-election puppet master (but had to wait until after the election to set up back-channels with Jared Kushner) Vladimir Putin sat down for an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro in which the Russian president expressed the belief that Moscow and Western capitals “all want security, peace, safety and cooperation

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Linked To China, Not Russia Or North Korea

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Linked To China, Not Russia Or North Korea

A few weeks ago, in what was described as one of the "worst-ever recorded attacks of its kind," the WannaCry ransomware virus spread the globe at an alarming rate, seizing control of private networks and demanding bitcoin payments to relinquish that control.  As we pointed out then, and not terribly surprisingly, those pesky "Russian hackers," the same ones that lay relatively dormant for years then suddenly emerged from hibernation in 2016 to hack the DNC, John Podesta and the entire 2016 U.S.
