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Manafort, Stone Give Russia Docs To Senate Intel Committee

While Michael Flynn may refusing to comply with the Senate Intel Committee's probe of Russian interference, two other former associates of Donald Trump complied on Monday afternoon, and according to NBC, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone have turned over documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee in its Russia investigation, providing "all documents consistent with their specific request." As reported previously, the committee sent document requests to Manafort and Stone, as well as Carter Page and Mike Flynn, seeking information related to dealings with Russia.

Russian Hackers Infected 1 Million Bank Customer Smartphones

Russian Hackers Infected 1 Million Bank Customer Smartphones

For all the accusations that Russian hacking only focuses outside the country - most notably to allegedly impact the outcome of democratic elections by exposing politicians' dirty laundry - a Reuters report overnight revealed that Russian cyber criminals were just as eager to focus on their fellow countymen, using malware planted on Android mobile devices to steal from domestic bank customers and were planning to target European lenders before their arrest.

"We Did Not Touch On That At All": Lavrov Denies Trump Said "Comey Is A Nut Job"

In the "he said, she said" world of unconfirmed, unsourced political intrigue, on Friday the US went to sleep with fresh news of the latest diplomatic snafu by Trump, when the NYT reported that during his president with the Russian Foreign minister Lavrov on May 10, Donald Trump said that Comey is a "nut job" and that his firing "eased pressure" from the ongoing Russian investigation.

The exchange in question:
