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Insouciant Russians?

Insouciant Russians?

Paul Craig Roberts

I have often wondered if the Russian media shields Russians from the insulting and derrogatory things that American elites say about Russia and President Putin.

For example, here is Harvard University Professor Graham Allison:
“However demonic, however destructive, however devious, however deserving of being strangled Russia is, the brute fact is that we cannot kill this bastard without committing suicide.”

Lies Are Washington’s Chosen Path To Dominance

Lies Are Washington’s Chosen Path To Dominance
Will Putin Fall for Washington’s Lies?

Paul Craig Roberts

I have been waiting to see how long the British Prime Minister, the British Foreign Secretary, and the British Defense Secretary could contine to lie through their teeth before it caught up with them.

The liars got away with their lies longer than would have been possible if there was any longer any respect for truth in Western governments and media.

On the Verge of Nuclear War

On the Verge of Nuclear War

Paul Craig Roberts

One wonders if this latest extremely provocative and hostile accusation against Russia, supported by Washington’s empire, is the prelude to war. There is no basis whatsoever for the statement of the US Department of State that “on March 4, Russia used a military-grade nerve agent to attempt to murder a British citizen and his daughter in Salisbury.”

Integrity Has Vanished From The West

Integrity Has Vanished From The West

Paul Craig Roberts

Among Western political leaders there is not an ounce of integrity or morality. The Western print and TV media is dishonest and corrupt beyond repair. Yet the Russian government persists in its fantasy of “working with Russia’s Western partners.” The only way Russia can work with crooks is to become a crook. Is that what the Russian government wants?
