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Revelations of No Links Between "The Russians" and The Trump Campaign Is Not News

Ahead of the FBI director's testimony in front of Congress this week,  House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, confirmed that there weren't any links between "The Russians" and The Trump campaign. But that isn't news and many on the right are applauding this 'revelation' as if it somehow vindicates Trump from a crime he never even committed.

More to that end, Nunes is suggesting there was Russian meddling in the elections -- a fact that has never, ever, been confirmed. Moreover, there are no links that can be proven between Wikileaks and Russia.

Another Senior Russian Official Has Died

Another Senior Russian Official Has Died

Since the day of Donald Trump's election, high-ranking Russian officials have been dropping like flies and today's reports that a top official of Russia's space agency has been found dead brings the total to eight.

As we noted previously, six Russian diplomats have died in the last 3 months - all but one died on foreign soil. Some were shot, while other causes of death are unknown. Note that a few deaths have been labeled "heart attacks" or "brief illnesses."

Intel Chair: "No Collusion Between Trump and Russia... Leak Is The Only Crime"

Just as was predicted, based on the expectations management being undertaken by high-ranking Democrats, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes confirmed on Sunday that he's seen no evidence of collusion between President Trump's campaign and Russia.

As The Hill reports, Nunes was asked during an interview on "Fox News Sunday" if he has seen any evidence of any collusion between "Trump world" and Russia to swing the 2016 presidential election.

House Democrat Warns Nuclear War With Russia "Real Possibility"

House Democrat Warns Nuclear War With Russia "Real Possibility"

Having failed to find any evidence that Russia interefered with the election, it seems Democrats are resorting to the 1980s playbook as Rep. Seth Moulton - a member of the House Armeed Service Committee - tells CNN that a nuclear war with Russia is a real possibility the U.S. should prepare for.

As The Hill reports, Moulton said Friday on CNN's "New Day".

For a long time, Russia and the United States had this sort of mutual agreement, mutually assured destruction,

