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British Foreign Secretary Admits "No Evidence" Found Of Russian Disruption Of UK Democracy

Echoing the numerous initial comments from various US intelligence probes, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson told British ITV that "we have no evidence the Russians are actually involved in trying to undermine our democratic processes..."

The Empire Should Be Placed On Suicide Watch

Via The Saker,

In all the political drama taking place in the USA as a result of the attempted color revolution against Trump, the bigger picture sometimes gets forgotten. And yet, this bigger picture is quite amazing, because if we look at it we will see irrefutable signs that the Empire in engaged in some bizarre slow motion of seppuku and the only mystery left is who, or what, will serve as the Empire’s kaishakunin (assuming there will be one).

Kremlin: Fake News Responsible For Anti-Russian Hysteria In U.S.

Kremlin: Fake News Responsible For Anti-Russian Hysteria In U.S.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has issued a scathing attack against the anti-Russian hysteria being perpetuated by the mainstream media in the West, urging Democrats to stop their disinformation campaign.  Peskov told CNN on Sunday that certain mainstream media outlets in the U.S. were deliberately spreading ‘fake news’ in order to create an irrational and baseless fear about Russia in the minds of the American public. His comments come days after Senator Richard Blumenthal announced he would be appointing a special prosecutor to probe Russia’s alleged role in hacking the U.S.

Putin Spokesman: Russian Ambassador Also Met With Members Of The Clinton Campaign

In an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria broadcast on Sunday, Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed growing frustration with the inconclusive first two months of relations between Moscow and the Trump administration, which started off with hope for reconciliation and have instead devolved into a perpetuation of the Obama (and Hillary Clinton) imposed status quo. The election of President Trump, who had spoken approvingly of Putin and called for improved US-Russia relations, had raised hopes in the Kremlin.
