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White House Demands Congressional Probe Whether Obama Ordered Wiretaps

With Trump so far providing no follow up comments to his dramatic accusation from Saturday morning that Obama bugged the Trump Tower in October 2016, spending Saturday night at Mar-A-Lago where he had dinner with AG Jeff Sessions, he resumed the attack on Sunday morning when he went after the Democratic National Committee and President Obama in a series of early morning tweets.

Sweden Introduces Emergency Military Draft For ‘War With Russia’

Sweden have reintroduced the military draft in emergency measures designed to deal with the growing threat of a war with Russia. Both men and women are expected to perform military duty as a conflict between Europe and Russia looks almost certain. “The security environment in Europe and in Sweden’s vicinity has deteriorated and the all-volunteer recruitment hasn’t provided the Armed Forces with enough trained personnel,” the Swedish defense ministry said.

Russian Ambassador At The Center Of The Sessions' Scandal Visited Obama White House 22 Times

Russian Ambassador At The Center Of The Sessions' Scandal Visited Obama White House 22 Times

Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, Carter Page and Jeff Sessions, they all have something in common: they all met the Russian ambassador in the US, Sergey Kislyak, the object of non-stop leaks via the NYT/WaPo block, and substantial headaches for the Trump administration. Who is Sergey? The following profile of the Russian career diplomat courtesy of The Hill, should help answer some of lingering questions.

Sergey Kislyak

"This Is Either The Most Elaborate Cover-Up Of All Time, Or The Dumbest"

As the mainstream liberal media continues to be handed leaks (on a smaller and smaller and more and more desperate basis) from what appears to be angry ex-Obama-ites lingering in the halls of Washington - ever ready to combat a slight rise in Trump's popularity or shift in the "he's the devil" narrative with some new "the Russians did it"-inspiring drivel - many Americans are growing very weary of the drip-drip-drip of nothingness.
