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Russia Will Not 'Sell' Snowden To Trump; Here's Why

Submitted by Alexander Mercouris via,

On Friday 10th February 2017 NBC circulated a report the Russian government in order to improve relations with the Trump administration was preparing to hand Edward Snowden over to the US.

The report obviously worried Snowden himself, who tweeted that the report proved that he was not and never had been a Russian agent.  That suggests that he took the report seriously.

From Russia With Love: Edward Snowden To Be Executed By Trump

According to sources in the U.S. intelligence community, Edward Snowden may be sent back to America as a “gift” to so-called President Trump to strengthen the already close relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump. Trump has previously stated that N.S.A. whistleblower Snowden is a “traitor” and “spy” who should be executed. There is no way of knowing yet when this diplomatic transaction will take place should it happen at all.

Russian Government Considers Offering Snowden As "Gift" To President Trump, NBC Reports

Echoing a now eerily prophetic comment by Edward Snowden in December that "there could be some kind of deal - give this guy to me as a present," NBC News reports, citing US intelligence official sources, that Russia is considering turning over Edward Snowden as a "gift" to President Donald Trump - who has called the NSA leaker a "spy" and a "traitor" who deserves to be executed.

Putin Says Ready To Meet Trump In Melania's Native Country

Putin Says Ready To Meet Trump In Melania's Native Country

Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Slovenia on Friday for offering to host his first meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, saying he is ready to meet his American counterpart, Donald Trump, however added that the prospect of such a meeting hinges on Washington. "It depends not only on us, but we are naturally ready for it," he said. The Russian leader hailed Slovenia, where Trump's wife Melania was born and grew up, as an "excellent" venue for possible talks with Trump.
