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Trump Versus Putin - Russia Gold Buying To Intensify On Trump ‘Unpredictability’?

Trump Versus Putin - Russia Gold Buying To Intensify On Trump ‘Unpredictability’?

Gold Buying Russia To Increase Diversification On Trump ‘Unpredictability’?

Russia's massive and increasing gold bullion reserves are kept in tightly-guarded locations across Russia due to the fear of sanctions and the ‘unpredictability’ of Donald Trump according to The Sun and Russia Beyond The Headlines.

Germany’s CIA: Russia Not Responsible For Influencing Election

Germany’s version of the CIA, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND), has announced that Russia is not trying to influence the outcome of the German elections.  Intelligence agencies in Germany say they have found no clear evidence of a Russian disinformation campaign against the government, despite claims by mainstream media that the Kremlin seek to harm western democracy.

Putin Prepares Russia For War, Readies Aerospace Forces

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered an urgent inspection of Russia’s aerospace forces in readiness for a potential war with NATO.  Putin’s unannounced inspection on Tuesday comes after Moscow announced that it would be ramping up efforts to counter provocative NATO drills in the Black Sea. reports: “In accordance with the decision by the Armed Forces Supreme Commander, a snap check of the Aerospace Forces began to evaluate readiness of the control agencies and troops to carry out combat training tasks,” Shoigu said at a meeting, according to Russian news Agency TASS.

Trump Slams "Haters", Says "I Don't Know Putin", Lashes Out At Obama Deal With "#1 In Terror" Iran

It was only a matter of time before Trump commented on his controversial interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, in which he denied to paint Putin with broad "killer" brush strokes as his interview host suggested, and he did so this morning in his latest tweet moments ago, in which the President said that "the haters are going" crazy after his recent comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin sparked criticism. At the same time, Trump used the oppotunity to attack Obama's deal with Iran "#1 in terror", which the "haters" seem to have "no problem" with.
