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Germany To Deploy Troops Near Russian Border

Germany is sending hundreds of soldiers to the Baltic region near the Russian border as part of NATO’s anti-Russia force. The troops will form part of a NATO force to deter Russia by deploying combat battalions in the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as in Poland. Press TV reports: The 500-strong military contingent, including 450 troops from German armed forces and the rest from Belgium and the Netherlands, assembled in the Bavarian town of Oberviechtach on Thursday for deployment to Lithuania.

Obama Bombshell: ‘DNC Emails Were Leaked’ – Not Hacked By Russia

President Obama dropped a bombshell during his final press conference, admitting that the DNC emails published by Wikileaks were leaked from within the DNC – not hacked by Russia. As such, Obama just called Hillary Clinton, the Democrat establishment and the mainstream media – who have all been frantically trying to convince the world that the Russians did it – a pack of liars.

In Last Farewell, Russia Slams Obama Whose "Dumb" Actions "Claimed Tens Of Thousands Of Lives"

In a scathing Facebook post, Russia's former president and current Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev (who less than five years ago was assured by Obama that "he would have more flexibility") gave his final assessment of US-Russia relations during the Obama administration, and lashed out at the outgoing US president, accusing him of destroying relations "between the United States and Russia, which are at their lowest point in decades" and predicting that "this is its key foreign policy mistake which will be remembered by history."

US Intel Vets Demand Obama Show Proof of Russian Hacking or Admit It Doesn't Exist

Submitted by Alice Salles via,

A group of intelligence, military, and diplomatic veterans known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, or VIPS, have signed a letter calling on President Barack Obama to release evidence regarding alleged Russian interference in the election. Otherwise, the letter asserts, the outgoing president must admit proof is lacking.

Angela Merkel's EU Army Poses the Greatest Threat to World Peace in 2017

Angela Merkel's EU Army Poses the Greatest Threat to World Peace in 2017

This article was orignally posted at

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other Europhile politicians have pushed forward with an aggressive campaign to militarize the European Union. These plans have at times been kept from European citizens in certain states. The new EU Army appears to be supplied at least in part by NATO which is currently being affected by corruption scandals and the death of its Chief Auditor under suspicious circumstances.
